• info@scaut-association.com
SCAUT Jahresend-Veranstaltung

SCAUT Jahresend-Veranstaltung

We are pleased to invite you to the end-of-year event only in German of the SCAUT Association.
Type of event: physical
We are pleased to invite you to the end-of-year event only in German of the SCAUT Association.
Theme:                         Lived AI, Process Value Creation and Sustainability
Key-note Speaker:       Andy Fitze & Dalith Steiger - Swiss Cognitiv Founder & Entrepreneur
Date:                            Thursday, November 21, 2024
Time:                           13:30 - 17:30 with aperitif riche afterwards
Place:                           Zweifel Weinlaube, Fasskeller Regensdorferstrasse 20, 8049 Zürich
Participants:                Members of the SCAUT Support Association
Registration:               https://www.scaut-association.com/en/Registration-Online
We look forward to your participation.
SCAUT Jahresend-Veranstaltung
SCAUT Jahresend-Veranstaltung We are pleased to invite you to the end-of-year event only in German of the SCAUT Association.